IMS Congress Mountainbike
Alpine option Mountainbike
09:00 - 13:00
Forum Bressanone (Bz)
Entrance free
To mountainbike is strengthening, ecofriendly and great fun. Countless mountain bikers are looking for an adventure in the mountains in an extended dimension and use the alpine infrastructure of trails, alps and refuges. They enjoy moving and look for company, recreation, training and a balance to working life. Mountain biking is multifaceted and has advanced to a mass sport so that nowadays mountain bikers make just as part of the alpine appearance as hikers, alpinists and climbers.
The South Tyrolean Alpine Associations (AVS) as lobbyists of all lovers of mountains and nature have been comprehensively confronted with the issue already for years: As road maintainers they know about the necessary work originating from the use of trails by cyclists, they put up signposts and are well acquainted with the discussion about legal liability issues connected with the use of the trails. At the same time, many of the members of AVS explore the mountains not only on foot but also by bicycle, as indeed about 30 percent of all AVS members are mountain bikers.
The massive development of the last years, from technical progress to communication through the new media, has strengthened partly diverse attitudes towards the cyclists in the mountains within the AVS but also beyond it.
The AVS has now faced this challenge, on the one hand, in order to enable all lovers of mountains, hikers and mountain bikers alike, an adventure in the mountains as enjoyable as possible and based on mutual respect. On the other hand they try to prevent imminent laws and complex regulation and to raise the conscience for a sustainable use of the infrastructure (mountain trails and walking paths). In this respect, during the convention, the AVS would like to thoroughly analyse the current situation and to present its general position and its conduct in this issue. International experts will consider the questions: How can mountain biking be integrated into the traditional mountain sports without creating conflicts? Which chances and opportunities does this option to alpinism bring for the single person, the alpine associations and for tourism?
The convention is open to all lobbyists and service provides in the field of mountain biking, to experts, operators in tourism, road maintainers, MTB guides and to all stakeholders.