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A mountain bike holiday in Latsch/Laces

Welcome to Latsch/Laces!

Everyone knows Latsch/Laces. And if you’ve never been there, you’re dying to go. With certainty, we can say that every mountain bike holiday to Latsch/Laces pays off a thousand times over! Especially because mountain bikers are 100% welcome in this enchanting Vinschgau/Val Venosta village at the entrance to Martelltal/Val Martello.

High-quality trails that are well maintained and ‘trail tolerance’ have been a priority in Latsch/Laces for years – something that many cyclists have enjoyed. These days, there are not only a whole host of trails on Vinschgau/Val Venosta’s Sonnenberg/Monte Sole in the area surrounding the Monte Sole trail but also on the Nörderberg near the Tarscher Alm mountain hut. A particularly cool fact is that the trails around Latsch/Laces are regularly tended to and maintained, and the ‘trail doctors’ are constantly adding new trails in the forest. The latest addition is the Barbarossa trail.

And where is the best place to stay on a mountain bike holiday in Latsch/Laces? In the BikeHotels, of course!
100 Tour
Lyfi Alm Tour
Lyfi Alm Tour (Malga Lyfi)
General description You can already look forward to the delicious menu before ...
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