The Chestnut Trail
A pleasure tour high above Bressanone/Brixen and Chiusa/Klausen
The Kastanienweg or Chestnut Trail links Velturno and Chiusa at moderate altitude and offers fantastic views across Valle Isarco and the Dolomites, in particular of the Odle di Eores/Aferer Geißler and Villandro/Villnösser Geißler. This pleasure tour is well worth undertaking, especially if you start out from Velturno and spare yourself the climb from Bressanone via Pinzago and Tecelinga. As the name implies, the Chestnut Trail leads alongside groves of ancient sweet chestnut trees, which make it a popular destination for hikers, especially in autumn. The route back to Bressanone goes via the Sabiona Monastery and Chiusa.